For several years now, our family has sponsored a dear young boy from India through World Help. Our monthly donations help to provide him food, clean water, and clothing. His medical and educational needs are met, as well. We receive a letter from him yearly and have watched him grow up across the miles and over the years. Now this young man has a solid foundation to build on through the ministry of World Help.
Currently, World Help is also contributing to the extreme poverty needs of children in Honduras through a program called the Jesus, Friend of Children Center, (Jesus, Amigo de los NiƱos).
World Help is seeking more sponsors for the precious children living in Honduras with extreme physical poverty. Are you willing to consider how you might give up a few lattes or other conveniences each month? Are you willing to be the hands and feet of Jesus to dear children who need a cup of cool, clean water, vitamins, medication, and most importantly need to hear that Jesus see them, knows them, and loves them dearly?
Many years ago as a young college student I was able to spend two weeks in the beautiful country of Honduras doing evangelistic programs and a work project with others from my college. While we were there to make a impact for the Gospel, the greater impact took place in our own lives as we grew to know and love the dear families and children we met. Their smiling faces and warm hugs made an impression on my heart that has lasted until this day. It was there that God grew my desire to care for children of the world and make a difference in the lives of children. The Honduran people are truly precious, and many children there need our help.
Do you want to spend your life for others and for eternity? Do you want your life to be about the work of God caring for people in need all around the world? Do you know that your life can truly make a difference? One way you could do this is through partnering with World Help to sponsor a precious child from Honduras.

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