Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing... {Ephesians 1}
Every spiritual blessing.
Every spiritual blessing.
Imagine that. We have all we need. We have been blessed beyond our wildest dreams. We have won the grand prize. Now what does it look like to claim the blessing that is ours in Jesus? It looks like love. It smells like joy. It tastes like peace. Its touch is patient and kind. It sings of goodness, and it shouts faithfulness. If only we have eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to receive these sweet blessings all around us. If only we unwrap the Gift. If only...
Every spiritual blessing, friend. Imagine!
Gracious God,
Give me eyes to see and ears to hear and a heart to receive all as good. All as gift. Especially when it doesn't feel good and especially when the gift was not on my list. Especially. I do believe....but desperately help my unbelief. Amen & Amen!
129. Every spiritual blessing
130. Banana Chocolate Chip Scone yumminess
131. All three children playing library together--precious!
132. Bike ride with boy-man
133. Unless a grain of wheat falls and dies...
134. Square foot gardens
135. "In Him" & "In love" & "In all"
136. Mrs. Meyer's all purpose cleaner
137. A sliver of moon
138. Dessert with the ladies
139. Precious little ones
140. Hawaiian melodies
141. He has blessed us in the Beloved
142. Unwrapping the Gift
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