This past week the mama bird who built her mansion of a nest in our front door wreath, so big in fact that it fell out of our wreath, lost all of her eggs. All five eggs.
My heart sank at the sight, and I really did shed a tear for those baby birds that died and their mourning mother. And for our children who were counting eggs and so looking forward to witnessing their miraculous birth.
And I had to remind myself just the opposite of what I usually have to remind myself daily: that as much as God loves me, He also loves the sparrow, and he takes care of the birds of the air, too. Yes, He'll even take care of this sorrowing mama bird, too.
This Mother's Day, I have been thinking more about the women who have lost. Women who have lost babies. Women who have lost their dreams. Women who need to remember that God knows and cares and loves them--deeply.
I read a post this past week that helps us understand how to celebrate Mother's Day. It's helpful and gives hope especially to women that will struggle with this day.
I have one dear friend who has been walking a long, hard road of wanting to be a mother but who is still waiting patiently for children. Although she would write her story differently, she chooses each day to say "yes" to the story that God has written for her. I'm praying for her this Mother's Day, that God would fill the emptiness in her heart with His love and hope for the day that her longing heart will be filled. Her heart's desire for children may not be fulfilled in this lifetime, but one day her heart's burden will be completely lifted and she will long no more.
I have another friend who is spending what could be the last days with her dear mother. The news came unexpected, and while they are praying for many more days together, they are also preparing for loss. Getting ready to say good-bye this Mother's Day weekend was not in the story she would have written for her life, but she, too, says "yes" to God and chooses to trust Him in these hard, hard days.
Dear Jesus, You care for the birds of the air. Yes, and how much more you care for your own children! Wrap your arms of comfort around your daughters who are grieving the loss of a child, the loss of a dream, and the loss of a mother and friend. Remind them of your never-ending love, even when they don't understand. Especially today. Come, Lord Jesus!
Beautiful post, Kara. Happy Mother's Day to you, dear friend.
Beautiful post Kara! I never thought that Mothers Day would be a difficult day for many, until this year. Here's to you and your friends that you all have something to celebrate tomorrow.
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