I've been obsessed with all things green lately. Maybe it's been all this rain, or maybe it's that my inner green thumb is starting to come out. (Is that even possible?) Every time I see something green poking out of the earth, I am almost beside myself. Growth after a cold, barren winter is so, so encouraging. For the earth, and for my soul, too.
Scotty Smith has been a longtime favorite pastor of mine. While he's not my pastor, he pastors all who are who are his "friends" on Facebook and those who follow him on Twitter. And while his online prayers are super inspiring, I've also been encouraged by the daily shots of wisdom he's been serving up lately in a series of posts I'll call "Signs of Growing in Grace." For me, it's kind of a check-list for my heart. I live in a world where I can't measure much these days, so it's been a good little inventory to assess just how my heart is doing. And when I see little green shoots of love, joy, or peace poking out of my heart, I'm greatly encouraged.
Here's a few of my favorites posts to share with you, thanks to Scotty Smith.
A sign you're growing in grace: You're beginning to understand that suffering is good soil for growing a gospel heart.
A sign you're growing in grace: You care about the impact you have on others, because you know you're capable of harm.
A sign you're growing in grace: Your commitment to loving well trumps your "need" to be understood and liked.
A sign you're growing in grace: The little book in which you keep a record of wrongs done to you has less pages than ever.
A sign you're growing in grace: While not condemning you, the gospel is exposing the depth of your selfishness & greed.
A sign you're growing in grace: You're always coming back to the gospel in order to move forward in the Kingdom.
A sign you're growing in grace: You fully enjoy Christian liberty & you fully enjoy limiting your freedom out of love.
A sign you're growing in grace: You're learning how to correct your children without crushing their spirits.
A sign you're growing in grace: You look to grow through things, not just get over things. Change means more than relief.
A sign you're growing in grace: Fewer sighs of irritation, more signs of sanctification.
And my personal favorite...
A sign you're growing in grace: The hope of the gospel is freeing you from Pollyanna-like denial & Eeyore-like despondency.
Check him out on Facebook or Twitter!
I think my favorites are #2 and #3. Thanks, Kara, for sharing.
thanks for sharing...cute blog!
Kristen (your newest follower)
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