Sometimes it takes my kids to remind me of truth. At least this morning I had a good reminder while doing a new Bible study with my boys. We haven't always done well in this subject. I've just kind of randomly started the day with a verse or prayer or short devotion...or more often we've just jumped into math while I've breathed a silent prayer that God would order our day. But lately I've felt convicted that I'd like to spend more time actually opening up the Bible with my kiddos. So this January we have started a new inductive Bible study just for children. It's a study on the book of James, and it's entitled "Boy, Have I Got Problems!" I thought this would be a great first formal study to do with the kids because, well, we've got lots of our own problems--so we can relate. It also has cute cartoons, fun applications, and most importantly life-giving truth from God's word, so I was hoping they would enjoy it. So far, after Day 3, they have.
Today, they learned about cross-referencing. As we read from Isaiah 14:24, I was once again reminded of how God has a meaning for everything in our lives. As someone wise once said, "Nothing is wasted." God takes everything and redeems it for His plans and purposes. NOTHING is wasted.
Isaiah 14: 24 reads, "I have planned so it has happened, and just as I have purposed so it will stand."
How comforting to be reminded once again that God created everything, is in control of everything, and has purpose for EVERYTHING that happens in my life and in your life. How often I forget this and faithlessly wonder what went wrong when I can't imagine that this part of my life could really be God's plan for me. But it's not only a plan, it is also a purpose, which give all of my life experiences meaning and value.
So today, I will "consider it all joy" again as I remember the truth of God's word. Thanks, kids!
glad your back.
me too! Glad your are back that is.
Kara, that is neat stuff. I think you must be doing a Kay Arthur study with them? I did two of those last year with Kaylin. We learned so much, and I am inpired to do another one.
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