I first heard the song, Though the World, last year while attending a Gospel Transformation Bible Study. It is written by two talented ladies who love Jesus and love music. It captures the heart of the sinner's struggle but more importantly the believer's hope. I love it. I hope you will, too.
Though the World
(you can listen to MP3 on link)
Though the world and many idols
All demand my loyalty
Clamor for my heart's allegiance
Mock my faithless piety
God, my Father, my Creator,
Sought to ransom back His own
Paid the price for my rebellion
Made me His by grace alone.
Though the devil wields temptation
Like a dagger to my faith
And he whispers accusations
Of my grim, unlovely state
Christ, my Lover, my Redeemer,
While I strayed, for me He died
And His truth holds firm forever
Righteousness to me applied.
Though my sin, my self absorption
Wages battle in my breast
I do not the good I want to
I live not what I confess
Yet my Savior transforms me
Heart of flesh for heart of stone
His own spirit guides and comforts
Pleased to make in me His home.
On that day of Christ's returning
I shall see Him as He is
No more tears or death or sorrow
All creation back to bliss
I will worship Him unhindered
And behold His loving smile
I call Him my Abba, Father
He calls me His precious child.
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