I started a new book this week. Not because I have finished the pile of books next to me on my nightstand, but because I NEEDED to read this book. Really. It's springtime, and I need new life, too. I need new eyes to see all that is good around me. I need a new heart to receive God's good gifts with thankfulness. Yes, thankfulness. So, I will start to count the gifts around me, too. Do you want to join me?
1. A husband who is teaching me to laugh
2. Dirty socks left in the middle of the floor...reminders of the gift of children
3. Answered prayers of a hurting friend
4. The smile of my melancholy middle son
5. Old friends, new friends
6. My morning coffee
7. Warm spring days after cold winter dullness
8. Music
9. My MacBook and iTouch--keeping me in touch with dear people and in tune with sweet melodies
10. Bedtime--a reminder that I am limited and God is not
i have that book on my bed stand. haven't even cracked it open .
guess i should -
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