Happy Day-After-Reformation Day!
In celebration, I am offering a great deal! I have an extra copy of The Barber Who Wanted To Pray by R. C. Sproul. I just wrote a review on it--check it out. This is a sweet book that offers a gentle introduction to a great reformer in history--Martin Luther. I love his lesson on prayer, not to mention the great illustrations. {Do you think Luther loved cats as much as the illustrator does?}
So....the blog has been a little quiet lately. I'd love to hear from you and make this more of a two-way conversation. Share an idea of how you are teaching your children about prayer, and that will count as one entry. "Like" this on Facebook and that will count as another entry. {Be sure to come back and let me know you did.} Finally, subscribe to this blog and that counts as a third entry. I promise you I won't overwhelm you with blog posts. {Ahem...} I'll pick a winner on Sunday using random.org and let you know who has won this great book!
And in celebration of All Saints Day, read this great prayer by Scotty Smith for a new perspective on the holiday. Loved it!
Hey -- that's on our wishlist!
Pick me! Pick me!! I'm planning on giving it to my crew for Christmas.
-Lori Snell
I'm trying to teach my kids that prayer is also about an all-day conversation with their Maker - not just at formal times. Pick me. :)
I "liked" this on FB!
I want to win!!!!!!! I've been working with the boys on the topic of Prayer and I'd love to have this book as a tool! YAY!
We really work with our kids on praying to THANK God for all the ways he loves & provides for us, as opposed to praying when they want something. I want them to see that God is in every part of their day - he's not a vending machine. :)
So...count me in!
Wow, I didn't even know you were blogging! Well done. I'll throw my hat in the ring for the book...
We pray with our 3-year-old son several times each day, and talk about the prayer before and after it. He always reminds me, "You have to say, In Jesus' name, Amen, Daddy."
This book is on our wish list too!
Ashley Brandt
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