And then there are days that God screams JOY to me...and I am learning to trust that all is well and all will be well.
I woke up to a Monday morning of temptations...mostly to be overwhelmed and failing to trust that God will take care of my cares. Oh me of little faith.
So we started off with recess this morning...and look what my sweet things turned into?!? Spies!

So today, I'm mostly thankful for children who remind me the importance of being playful and having a child-like faith. A lesson I need each day.
Jesus, Make it well with my soul today. And teach me thankfulness again and again.
191. a new neighbor and friend
192. glorious fall colors shouting endless words of thankfulness
193. Trader Joe's Pear Cinnamon cider
194. hearing my son laugh and enjoy his youth group
195. worshiping all together as a family
196. fall break--even if it's only a day!
197. trying on high heels with my girly girl
198. shopping with my girl and hearing her talk me into buying something for me!
199. an Indian summer
200. my helpful husband
201. a great dentist and a fixed tooth
202. watching my boys play flag football together
203. learning to laugh
1 comment:
I love how the Lord uses children to remind us of important truths - God is so good!
I, too, am thankful for blessings like my boys playing flag football, and our oldest son's youth group.
Listing our blessings is such a wonderful exercise in remembering the Lord's goodness.
Thank you for sharing yours today. I was blessed to read your words.
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