When I started my mini-marathon this week, I was hoping some would run with me and join me in reading the Gospel of John this week leading up to Easter. I didn't expect to run with Mary and the disciples of long ago, though.
As I was nearing the end of my race through John, the words jumped out on the page. After Mary sees the stone of the tomb removed, she runs to Peter. She runs!
Then I read...
"So Peter went out with the other disciple, and they were going toward the tomb. Both of them were running together, but the other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first. And stooping to look in, he saw the linen cloths lying there, but he did not go in...Then the other disciple, who had reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed."
They see the empty tomb. There certainly is some confusion, and they can't explain it all, but later Jesus appears and makes the mystery clear. He reveals himself to them several times, but my favorite is when he reunites with his disciples at the sea for a breakfast of fish and bread. After the sadness of the Last Supper, joy returns in the morning of this First Breakfast.
And I wonder: Do I run to the truth of the resurrection each day, yes, each moment of my life? Do I let the new life of Jesus transform my every action? Do I see and believe? Do I live the new resurrected life? Do I experience the victory of the empty tomb every day?
Thank you, Jesus, for your victory that's mine because of Easter. Make me an Easter person every day. May I always run to you!
I have tears in my eyes as I read this. Thank you...
thank you for running this race....
Inspired by your example, I read through the book of John this week too, and realized that though I study books of the Bible regularly, it had been a long time since I simply read a gospel straight through.
A decade or two ago, Sandi Patti recorded a song about Easter morning, entitled "Was it a Morning Like This?" It has the excitment and awesomeness of the resurrection and Peter and John racing to the tomb. I've always loved that song, though I never hear it anymore.
Thanks so much friends! And Janet-I do remember that Sandi Patti song from long ago--that's for that memory! Thanks for running with me! : )
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